The will to change (Record no. 1288)

010 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9780743456081
qualificatif br.
disponibilité et/ou prix 15.95 $
099 ## - Informations locales
Type de document Livre
100 ## - Données générales de traitement
données générales de traitement 20211025d2004 u||y0frey50 ba
101 ## - Langue
langue du document anglais
105 ## - Zone de données codées : textes, monographies
données codées - monographies ||||d|||000cy
106 ## - Zone de données codées : forme de la ressource
données codées - textes - caractéristiques physiques r
200 ## - Titre
titre propre The will to change
complément du titre Men, masculinity, and love
Auteur bell hooks
210 ## - Editeur
lieu de publication New York
nom de l'éditeur Washington Square Press
date de publication 2004
215 ## - Description
Importance matérielle 188 p.
330 ## - Résumé
Résumé Everyone needs to love and be loved—even men. But to know love, men must be able to look at the ways that patriarchal culture keeps them from knowing themselves, from being in touch with their feelings, from loving.<br/><br/>In The Will to Change, bell hooks gets to the heart of the matter and shows men how to express the emotions that are a fundamental part of who they are—whatever their age, marital status, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. But toxic masculinity punishes those fundamental emotions, and it’s so deeply ingrained in our society that it’s hard for men to not comply—but hooks wants to help change that.<br/><br/>With trademark candor and fierce intelligence, hooks addresses the most common concerns of men, such as fear of intimacy and loss of their patriarchal place in society, in new and challenging ways. She believes men can find the way to spiritual unity by getting back in touch with the emotionally open part of themselves—and lay claim to the rich and rewarding inner lives that have historically been the exclusive province of women. A brave and astonishing work, The Will to Change is designed to help men reclaim the best part of themselves.
700 ## - Auteur
koha internal code 18
auteur hooks
partie du nom autre que l'élément d'entrée bell
801 ## - source de catalogage
pays FR
agence de catalogage 595126101
date de la transaction YYYYMMDD
règles de catalogage utilisées AFNOR
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